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All Episodes

Soteriology (2) - The Inward Call

The brothers finish their discussion of effectual calling by covering the inward call, and why it is so vital to keep the inward and outward distinct.

Soteriology (1) - The Outward Call

The brothers start their discussion of the theology of salvation in a place you might not expect it.

Christology (9) - Christ as King

The brothers close out the Christology series by discussing the Kingship of Christ.

Christology (8) - Christ as Priest

The brothers talk though the importance and centrality of Christ's priestly work.

Christology (7) - Christ as Prophet

The brothers discuss the nature of prophecy and how it relates to the Prophetic office of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christology (6) - One Person

The brothers wrap up the metaphysics of the Incarnation with a discussion of the unity of Christ's person, and how all of this metaphysical discussion is grounded in the mediatorial office of Christ.

Christology (5) - Two Natures

The brothers discuss the Hypostatic Union and how it is vital to preserve the distinction of natures in Christ.

Christology (4) - Truly Man

The brothers discuss Christ's true humanity, and why a proper understanding of the incarnation is vital to the Christian life.

Christology (3) - Suborthodox Christology (feat. Blake Cortright)

Tony is joined by Blake from the Distilling Theology Podcast to discuss the problematic Biblical Methodology that leads to a variety of heretical and suborthodox Christologies.

Applied Chalcedonian Christology (with Distilling Theology)

Tony joins the guys from Distilling Theology for two distinct podcasts, and one episode, just for this week.
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