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All Episodes

Theology Proper (5) - The E/e Distinction

The brothers backtrack just a little bit to cover an important, but often overlooked, distinction in Theology Proper.

Scripture (3) - Rule of Faith and Practice

The brothers close out the Scripture portion of the Fundamentals series by talking about how Scripture is our clear rule for faith and practice.

Scripture (2) - Infallible and Inerrant

The brothers talk about Scriptural infallibility and inerrancy.

Pastoral Theology (feat. Kevin Schwamb)

The patriarch of the Reformed Brotherhood, and its resident pastor, joins the brothers for a discussion about pastoral theology.

Christmas and the Gospel

The brothers talk about the Gospel and Christmas, and how the manger is really about the cross.

Scripture (1) - God-Breathed

The brothers move on in the Fundamentals series to the doctrine of Scripture.

Trinity (7) - Inseparable Operations

The brothers are back to discuss how God acts as one, because he actually is one.

Trinity (6) - Divine Missions

The brothers get back on track with the fundamentals and finally discuss the divine missions.

Augustine of Hippo (Part 1)

In the article The Danger of Equating Eternal Authority & Submission with Arian Heresy, posted by Owen Strachan on November 9, 2021, Strachan cites Augustine of Hippo in his response to Maximinus the Arian. For more about the purpose of this series, please see the introductory post. This is an example of a citation of […]

Trinity (5) - Still Responding to Dr. Owen Strachan

Tony recaps an interaction on Twitter with Dr. Strachan and deep dives some of the issues with the EFS use of historical quotes.
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