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Westminster Larger Catechism: Q48

How did Christ humble himself in his life? A. Christ humbled himself in his life, by subjecting himself to the law, which he perfectly fulfilled; and by conflicting with the indignities of the world, temptations of Satan, and infirmities in his flesh, whether common to the nature of man, or ListenWestminster Larger Catechism: Q48 The […]

TRB 140 Complementarianism

Tony and Jesse talk about the Biblical case for complementarianism.

Westminster Larger Catechism: Q47

How did Christ humble himself in his conception and birth? A. Christ humbled himself in his conception and birth, in that, being from all eternity the Son of God, in the bosom of the Father, he was pleased in the fullness of time to become the son of man, made ListenWestminster Larger Catechism: Q47 The […]

Scots Confession: Chapter 9

Christ’s Death, Passion, Burial, etc. We confess that our Lord Jesus Christ offered himself a voluntary sacrifice unto his Father for us; that he suffered contradiction of sinners; that he was wounded and plagued for our transgressions; that he, being the clean and innocent Lamb of God, was damned in ListenScots Confession: Chapter 9 The […]

TRB 139 Penal Substitution

Tony and Jesse finish out their atonement series with Penal Substitution.

Scots Confession: Chapter 8

Election For that same Eternal God and Father, who of mere grace elected us in Christ Jesus his Son, before the foundation of the world was laid, appointed him to be our Head, our Brother, our Pastor, and great Bishop of our souls.[4] But because that the enmity betwixt the ListenScots Confession: Chapter 8 The […]

Westminster Larger Catechism: Q46

What was the estate of Christ’s humiliation? A. The estate of Christ’s humiliation was that low condition, wherein he for our sakes, emptying himself of his glory, took upon him the form of a servant, in his conception and birth, life, death, and after his death, until his resurrection. Psalm ListenWestminster Larger Catechism: Q46 The […]

TRB 138 The Therapeutic Model

Tony and Jesse close in on the end of their Atonement series with the Therapeutic Model.

Westminster Larger Catechism: Q45

How doth Christ execute the office of a king? A. Christ executeth the office of a king, in calling out of the world a people to himself, and giving them officers, laws, and censures, by which he visibly governs them; in bestowing saving grace upon his elect, rewarding their obedience, ListenWestminster Larger Catechism: Q45 The […]
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