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TRB 136 New Covenant Atonement Theory

Tony and Jesse discuss one of the lesser known models of the Atonement, associated primarily with Anabaptist theology.

Scots Confession: Chapter 6

Of the Incarnation of Christ Jesus When the fulness of time came, God sent his Son­ his Eternal Wisdom, the substance of his own glory, in this world ­ who took the nature of manhood of the substance of woman: to wit, of a virgin, and that by operation of ListenScots Confession: Chapter 6 The […]

Westminster Larger Catechism: Q42

Why was our mediator called Christ? A. Our mediator was called Christ, because he was anointed with the Holy Ghost above measure; and so set apart, and fully furnished with all authority and ability, to execute the offices of prophet, priest, and king of his church, in the estate both ListenWestminster Larger Catechism: Q42 The […]

TRB 135 The Governmental Theory

Tony and Jesse discuss the most common Arminian model of the atonement, the governmental theory.

Westminster Larger Catechism: Q41

Why was our mediator called Jesus? A. Our mediator was called Jesus, because he saveth his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21 21 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” The post Westminster Larger Catechism: Q41 appeared first on Reformed Standard.

Westminster Larger Catechism: Q40

Why was it requisite that the mediator should be God and man in one person? A. It was requisite that the mediator, who was to reconcile God and man, should himself be both God and man, and this in one person, that the proper works of each nature might be ListenWestminster Larger Catechism: Q40 The […]

TRB 134 Responding to SBC Traditionalists (feat. Trevor Marsteller)

Tony and fellow Reformed Pub admin, Trevor Marsteller, respond to a video by Leighton Flowers.

Westminster Larger Catechism: Q39

Why was it requisite that the mediator should be man? A. It was requisite that the mediator should be man, that he might advance our nature, perform obedience to the law, suffer and make intercession for us in our nature, have a fellow-feeling of our infirmities; that we might receive ListenWestminster Larger Catechism: Q39 The […]
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