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All Episodes

TRB 015 Saint Nicholas of Myra

Tony and Jesse talk about the real Santa Clause, his hagiographical involvement at the Council of Nicaea, and springboard into a discussion of Christology.

TRB 014 Trinity

Jesse and Tony dive into their second episode of Systematic Theology and talk about the doctrine of the Trinity.

TRB 013 Advent

Jesse and Tony talk about Advent, preparing for Christ's return, and making space for piety.

Thanksgiving and Gratitude

Jesse and Tony talk about gratitude, and what they are thankful for.

Brotherhood Musings, Volume 1

Jesse and Tony are even more off-script than usual... because there is even less of a script than usual.

Paterology (Theology Proper)

Jesse and Tony kick off their Systematic Theology series with the study of God the Father.

Halloween, Christians, and Generosity

Tony and Jesse discuss if and how a Christian can participate in cultural celebrations of Halloween.

Reformation Day 2016

Tony and Jesse talk about the Reformation: What it was, and why it matters.

Christians and Technology

Tony and Jesse discuss technology and how it can be used for the glory of God.


Jesse and Tony discuss practical ways to mortify sin.
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