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Scots Confession (12) - The Significance of Christ's Coronation and Ascension


In this episode of the Reformed Brotherhood Podcast, Tony Arsenal and Jesse Schwamb explore the theological significance of Christ's ascension as outlined in the Scots Confession. The hosts discuss the often-overlooked aspects of the ascension, emphasizing its importance in the broader framework of reformed theology. They delve into the themes of glorification, coronation, and ordination, explaining how these elements are crucial to understanding Christ's mediatorial role and its implications for salvation.

Tony reflects on his evangelical upbringing, noting that the ascension was often treated as an afterthought rather than a pivotal event in the life of Christ. Jesse adds that the ascension should be seen as an act of coronation and investiture of service, rather than merely Jesus' "retirement" to heaven. The hosts argue that the ascension completes the loop of Christ's redemptive work, affirming His power and authority over all things.

The episode also touches on how other reformed confessions, such as the Westminster Confession, integrate the theology of ascension. Tony and Jesse emphasize the importance of understanding the historical and theological context in which these confessions were written. They encourage listeners to engage deeply with these foundational documents to gain a fuller understanding of reformed theology.

Key Points:

  1. The ascension is a crucial event in reformed theology, involving glorification, coronation, and ordination.
  2. The ascension underscores Christ's mediatorial role and its implications for salvation.
  3. The hosts discuss the lack of emphasis on the ascension in many evangelical contexts, urging a deeper reflection on its significance.
  4. The episode explores how different reformed confessions, including the Westminster Confession, address the theology of ascension.
  5. Understanding the historical and theological context of these confessions can enrich one's grasp of reformed beliefs.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Why is the ascension of Christ often overlooked in evangelical contexts?
  2. How does the ascension complete the loop of Christ's redemptive work?
  3. In what ways can understanding the theology of ascension deepen your appreciation of reformed theology?
  4. What are the implications of Christ's ascension for His role as a mediator?
  5. How do different reformed confessions address the theology of ascension, and why is this important?


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