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Scots Confession (7) - Understanding the Incarnation of Christ Jesus


In this episode of the Reformed Brotherhood Podcast, hosts Tony Arsenal and Jesse Schwamb engage in a deep discussion about the Incarnation of Christ Jesus. They start by examining ancient heresies that have distorted the understanding of Christ's nature, underlining the importance of acknowledging both His divinity and humanity. The hosts emphasize that any belief system that denies these fundamental aspects of Christ is not only in error but also separates individuals from salvation.

Tony and Jesse further explore the Incarnation, referencing the Scotts Confession and various scriptural teachings. They draw from the Scriptures to explain the profound theological truths about Christ's Incarnation and the implications of these truths for the Christian faith. The episode culminates in a call to action for Christians to defend the Gospel, affirming that in its defense, we find our greatest joy and God's glory is affirmed.

In addition, the hosts discuss the importance of supporting the Reformed Brotherhood Podcast and express their appreciation for their listeners' support. They emphasize that the podcast can only continue to explore such deep theological topics because of the financial contributions from their listeners.

Key Points:

  1. Understanding the Incarnation of Christ Jesus involves acknowledging both His divinity and humanity.
  2. Ancient heresies that deny these fundamental aspects of Christ are in error and can separate individuals from salvation.
  3. The Scotts Confession and various scriptural teachings provide profound theological truths about Christ's Incarnation.
  4. Christians are called to defend the Gospel, as it is in its defense that we find our greatest joy and affirm God's glory.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How does understanding the Incarnation of Christ Jesus, in both His divinity and humanity, deepen your faith?
  2. Why is it important to identify and reject ancient heresies that deny the fundamental aspects of Christ?
  3. How can you actively defend the Gospel in your daily life?
  4. In what ways does defending the Gospel lead to the affirmation of God's glory?


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