SCRBPC 2019: Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment thereof
An eight session series featuring Dr. James M. Renihan, Dr. David VanDrunen, and Jason Walter.
Session 1: Context and Overview of 2LCF 6, “Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment thereof,” Dr. James M. RenihanSession 2: The Historicity of Adam: Why It’s an Important (and Difficult) Issue - Dr. David VanDrunenSession 3: The Imputation of Adam’s Sin - Dr. David VanDrunenSesion 5: The Covenant of Works in the Second London Confession of Faith: Rejection, Redefinition, or Redundancy? - Jason WalterSession 6: By Ordinary Generation: The Origin of the Soul, Federal Headship, and the Conveyance of Corruption - Jason WalterSession 7: Truly and Properly Sin: The Sinfulness of Remaining Corruption and All of its Motions - Jason WalterSession 8: Our First Parents - Dr. James M. Renihan