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Dismantling EFS Florilegia


As anyone who has been a listener of the show for any amount of time knows, we don't like EFS around here. We find it to be an errant doctrine with heretical entailments that flows contrary to the historic faith which was once delivered to the saints.

However, in response to the arguments made against EFS we have seen figures like Wayne Grudem and Owen Strachan marshal collections of quotes from various historical sources which allegedly prove that their view enjoys a substantial historical pedigree.

However, when we observe how these quotes fit into their original context and apply the Reformed Brotherhood principle of "read a little bit more" we see that their use is often spurious.

Our contention is that the neo-Socinian figures who insist on reading Scripture in abstract from the historical testimony of the Church are mishandling these historical quotes by abstracting them from their contexts.

The aim of this ongoing series is to expose how this has been the case by offering the full context of these quotes along with a brief analysis of the meaning in their full context.

The quote as provided by the EFS advocate will be denoted by an underline, while context will be denoted by bold text.


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